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  1. At any time you have the power to not to stop training

    And you have the strength to stick with anything you’ve ever trained, period.

    It’s not intended to be a step-by-step guide to doing everything the right way. You’ve already got that. And I am not interested in repeating someone else’s work. But I am interested in getting people’s thoughts about things they’ve done and things they wanted to do but never got around to.

    jumping rope rope

    How long have you been training and why didn’t you do things earlier? I’ve been doing jumping rope exclusively for about 6 years now. I first got into it with a partner who didn’t like jump ropes. We used the excuse that we wanted to be strong but not fat. Since our other interests were going to school and playing ball, the idea of jumping rope just never dawned on him. Eventually he realized that he …

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