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  1. Warming up and stretching are different

    One is aerobic, and the other anaerobic.

    You may be stretched but not warmed up for the cardio warm up in 60 minutes. Don't count on stretching to warm up after the cardio, you're not cold, you're warm already. Do you want a nice and easy warm up before an intense and rigorous workout? Or do you want to warm up at a slower pace, like warm down for a jog? We have you covered with five different warm up types: A) The first thing you should do when you get out of bed in the morning is stretching. Why? Because muscles in the body start to be ready for action at the beginning of your day, and you start with a clean slate of flexibility. B) We suggest you do the same before or after your workout. C) Many people are not aware of the benefits of stretching …

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  2. Simple exercise to improve abdominal and hamstrings flexibility

    ... without causing a herniated disc.

    Take one of these three steps up and down with straight legs. Keep your arms relaxed. As you’re walking, alternate from step to step. One side will always be with you. Each side is about a foot apart, with the foot placed back, as in a typical ballet. This technique works well for anyone with back, leg, and hip problems. As you’re walking, alternate from step to step. One side will always be with you.

    skipping rope

    Each side is about a foot apart, with the foot placed back, as in a typical ballet. This technique works well for anyone with back, leg, and hip problems. When the feet are on each side of the platform, take a big inhale and bend your knees to the ground. With your arms hanging at your sides, inhale as you walk and then exhale as your body …

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